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Only a fleeting thought

Started: Wednesday, November 9, 2005 09:18

Finished: Wednesday, November 9, 2005 09:29

music: Tori Amos - General Joy

I dreamed the crash of civilization this morning. Then I awoke with General Joy running through my head. Random.

By boat, by tram, by motorbus...
Could it be? The fates are protecting us
From the hawks that have stolen the bird from the sky?

Prior to that, I did some pretty heavy lucid dreaming too; except I never came to full awareness of the consciousness that exists beyond the dream. I just knew I was dreaming with each moment that passed and clung to that knowledge, reveling in the experience of observing cascading layers of reality as they crumbled, hoping that my lucidity would not crumble with them. Eventually, it did, but by then, it didn't matter anymore. It was better than the other alternative I had feared: Waking up to open my eyes before the dreaming was complete.