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What to expect when the draft begins (News)

Saturday, June 18, 2005 09:22

You are going to receive a rather innocent looking letter from the Selective Service, addressed to you. I'll bet you had never given one thought to the fact that our government knows where you live. After you open this innocent-looking letter, there will be a greetings something like this: "Greetings. You are hereby ordered to report to Armed Forces Entrance and Examination Station." There will be an address for where this AFEES is located, and what date and time you will report. It used to be at 07:00 hours, but times may have changed though I doubt it. I guarantee, you'll get used to military time.

Now, this is an important part of our little discussion and my retelling of experiences from a very long time ago. You will report as ordered. If you are like any of a number of Americans having serious issues with authority, this is going to grate on your nature just a mite, but you will report as ordered. If you don't, the United States Military Police will, and I need to emphasize will come and gather your young and naïve ass directly off of whatever sidewalk or skateboard park you may be hanging in. This is true, this is oh-so-very true. When the Selective Service issues an order to report for induction (induction is the proper name for the draft), that order will and must be obeyed. You will have no options open or available to you. I am dead serious about this, and so's the Selective Service.

From the very moment that the Selective Service System issues an induction letter to you, you are the property of the United States government. This is true, and I would suggest that you do a modicum of research on rights and obligations inherent in being property of the U.S. government. This insignificant designation will be in the very tiny print at the bottom of our aforementioned "induction letter." This is also what gives the military police the right to snatch your young ass up should you ignore being inducted.

The question each of us needs to ponder: What will we do when this happens? Practice non-compliance, risking imprisonment and/or torture? Flee? (Where?) Go along with the government's killing machine, and just hope it ends soon? It's time to start thinking about it.

Selective Service
by bouncing (2005-06-19 08:58)

Other people who are thinking what we're thinking. I have mixed feelings about even paying taxes to support Bush's war, but there's no way in hell I'll actively participate.