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Started: Sunday, June 19, 2005 23:54

Finished: Monday, June 20, 2005 00:10

The last several days in snippets.

  • Tuesday night -- Ritual viewing of the Clerks movie. Still the funniest scene is the one that occurs right after the dark bathroom incident. You know the one I'm talking about.
  • Wednesday -- Epic bike journey. Bright red skin followed.
  • Thursday -- Lazed around. Made experimental stew for supper. Pretty decent, but I think I can make it even better next time. I also discovered that my rear tire had again gone flat overnight. Doh.
  • Friday -- Early morning work. Also, first paycheck from the new job. Yay.
  • Saturday -- Patched tire with one of the "good" patches. Worked closing shift. First one by myself. Fortunately nothing burned up, but I did manage to flip the wrong switch when turning off the carwash, which confused the people who opened it the next day. Oops. Then I stayed up late reading, and finished Dime Store Magic..
  • Sunday -- Took a short ride with the new patch, and it seemed to hold. Hopefully, it will continue to do so, and I won't have to do any more patching for at least the rest of the season. Again, I closed the store. My normal schedule would be to work the afternoon shift on Sunday, but tonight I subbed for another guy, which incidentally allowed me to get a bit more practice at closing.
  • Now -- I'm contemplating delving into Ishmael. I suspect that once I get started, it might be hard to stop, but at least I don't have to wake up tomorrow morning.