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So It Comes To This

Started: Friday, June 3, 2005 10:26

Finished: Friday, June 3, 2005 10:51

Well, it looks like I'll be interviewing. On Monday. Now, to figure out the rest of the logistics.

Last night, Yanthor suggested that as a last ditch effort, I try calling the CEO of the company on his cell phone. (The number had been included in the contact info that was forwarded, but Yanthor had suggested earlier that calling his cell phone might be a bad idea as a general rule.) This morning, figuring there was nothing to lose at this point, I tried, and got through on my first attempt.

So here's the deal: On Monday at 14:00, I'll be talking to them about a short term project that involves Linux, which might have the potential to turn into full time employment at a later date.

The only question now left is, what of returning to Colorado to move my stuff?

The next step, I think, is to call mom and discuss this. Right now, I'm thinking it might make most sense to just stay here over the weekend, and see how the interview on Monday goes. Then I'll know if I need to bring everything here.

I suspect, based on the fact that it's just a short term project, and the way he talked about it, that there won't be a big convoluted multi-day interview process, as there would likely be if they were making a permanent hiring decision. Hopefully, I'll know by the end of Monday whether it's going to work out. If so, that leaves me enough time before the hard deadline next Friday to get my stuff moved.

Of course, that assumes they won't need me to start immediately. If they did, then things could get trickier. I guess I could just say I'm not available until a little later in the week. Either that, or I could have mom move my stuff into her new place temporarily until I can come back to get it.

This just proves the old point: Having more things than one can fit in one's vehicle makes life complicated!

Well, one way or another, things will work out. This is exciting! I'm going to go burn off some nervous energy now.

That's Great!
by Yanthor (2005-06-03 11:15)

Congrats! I'm excited that you got an interview. I agree that it probably won't be a prolonged interview process. Then if they later want you to work fulltime, you also won't have much or any of an interview process because your short term project will show them much more about you than any interview could.

Remind me to tell you what my boss said about their company.

Score dude
by bouncing (2005-06-03 16:43)


Good luck!
by Kiesa (2005-06-03 18:21)
