
A seeker's journey to cross a continent, visit ecovillages, learn living techniques which foster life on the planet, and forge inter-tribal connections.

Core Purpose:

(not finalized, incomplete)

Becoming Educated

Friday, April 16, 2010

Location: Lost Valley Educational Center

Less than 24 hours since arriving at Lost Valley, and I'm still finding myself awed and dazed by everything there is to take in here. Possibilities I've dreamed and wondered about for years are actually happening all around, in material reality. So much I am learning, finding, hearing, and experiencing at every moment, around every corner, I cannot hope to write it all down, though I wish to convey and impart something of it to those back home.

Right now, simply seeing what the community of people here are making happen, and thinking on the larger implications of what this means, I am humbled by the power of it, and so grateful that for a little while at least, I have the opportunity to be a part of this nexus of evolving consciousness. (As to my role in the longer term scale of things, I've barely begun to contemplate at this point.)

These experiences have produced a well of inspiration, but right now, words are flowing out too gradually as the morning passes outside, and I want to go take a closer look at what's happening in the garden, so once again, I'll put off the bulk of the chronicling for that ever vanishing mirage in time known as "later".


leticia_rae: Ben, I am glad things are going well for you..letting you know, Little Captain has been basking it up in the sun, taking naps on piles of soft blankets and being cute as always...well, take care good roommate, and well wishes too:) (April 16)
Ben: Leticia, I'm so glad to hear the Little Captain is getting along well. Thanks so much for caring for him. I'll be back by to see him in a week or so when I go through Montana again. (April 20)