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Who Am I?

It seems like I keep writing and rewriting this freakin bio every few months. By what means do we define ourselves? It's such a slippery thing.

Current strivings/goals:

And for fun, a few of my favorite movies...


I love music. Lately I've been into...

Old standbys include:

Yes, my musical tastes are quite a mish-mash. Musically, I can get along with pretty much anyone except the country-lovers (bleah).


I don't read a huge number of books, but I enjoy them from time to time. At the time of this writing (5/8/06), I'm in the midst of reading Starhawk's The Fifth Sacred Thing. Memorable titles I've read over the last few years also include:

Other interests / hobbies / things I do:

Etc, etc.

The rest is secrets, mysteries, or merely too mundane to mention.

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bitscape   @   gmail   .   com