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Movies Galore

Started: Sunday, November 27, 2005 22:18

Finished: Sunday, November 27, 2005 22:46

Over the past week or so, I've watched several movies I got from the Peerflix network, each of which has left a strong impression on me. Since I haven't felt motivated or verbose enough to write individual movielog entries about them, I'll let this be a batch entry for all of them.

  • Donnie Darko (Director's Cut). I just got done watching this one, and... wow. What an incredibly intriguing movie. I'm still not sure how to fit all the pieces together. It is a puzzle for the mind and the spirit. Traversing the line between scifi and madness, synchronicity, and a teenager's (seemingly) unstable mental condition. I think I love it, and want to watch it again. There's tons of detail that I think could be absorbed better on a second viewing.
  • Brazil (Director's Cut). Having heard good things about this one for years, I had studiously avoided reading any spoilers, and was eager to delve into the material. It's genius lies in the way it manages to make a comedy out of a dystopian nightmare, "Somewhere in the 20th century". (Implying that it was not necessarily a story about the future, but the present when the movie was made -- still very applicable now, perhaps even moreso in the context of the "war on terror".) Its portrayal of the way bureaucracy works was brilliant. I loved the writing, as well as some very striking cinematography. And well, the whole thing was excellent. Strong recommendation.
  • The Butterfly Effect (Theatrical Cut). Again, a beautifully done movie. (Am I starting to sound like a broken record? That's why I'm not a professional movie critic.) Sometime soon, I'm going to have to flip the disc over and see what was different about the Director's Cut.
  • I Heart Huckabees. Ok, so actually I did already log this one, but since I watched it during the same timespan, I'll include it too. A profoundly thought provoking and humorous film about an environmentalist poet's adventures when he hires some odd detectives to help him learn the secret of the meaning of existence. Yeah, I'm a sucker for that stuff. But seriously, an excellent film. Everybody go watch it now.
