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The Exorcism of Emily Rose

Seen: 2005-11-10

Overall: ***

Enjoyment: ****

Venue: Starship 9

Medium: Silver Screen

[Posting from downtown Lincoln Public Library. Time limited. Might edit to elaborate further later.]

I am strangely rivited. Went in knowing virtually nothing about the film. Though couched in a cinematic language that mixes horror and courtroom drama, it is filled with deeply theological symbolism and parallels. Far more affecting than the shock tactics of the classic Exorcist movie from the 70s.

I would call its perspective that of Catholic Christian mysticism. Despite my general lack of love for the Catholic Church, I still found it deeply touching. (Perhaps because I might be termed a mystic. Then again, my reaction could also be a result of running on little sleep.)

It was the stuff near the end that grabbed me the most. How the priest, the lawyer, and the deceased had all performed acts of self-sacrifice, by which they were forever changed. There is a poetic beauty to that.

I won't say it's a perfect movie. There are some clichés and standard Hollywood fallbacks. I also find myself wondering just how much of it was really "Based on a True Story", but ultimately, that doesn't matter as much to me as the psychic resonance.

Well, I'm off to Jewel Heart, to be followed by what will hopefully be a good, full night of sleep. I've had an absolutely awesome day which I want to write about in greater detail soon, but my mental stability must take precedence. I'm nearing the end of my time limit. 50 seconds remain. Gotta go. Peace and love.