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Awake Again

Started: Saturday, October 8, 2005 09:59

Finished: Saturday, October 8, 2005 10:12

Crazy dreams. Wild, crazy dreams. I became the robot. A database of 63 questions from which I could randomly choose. This would seed the algorithm. Depeding on the answers, the questions could branch out. My mission was to learn. The questions were asked of small children as I wandered through the labyrinth.

That was just one of them. There were more, but they have faded.

Now I'm sitting here with a stuffed up nose, gummy goup in my mouth. My whole body feels like it could use a cleansing from the inside. But especially the front part of my head.

Google's new rss aggregator service seems surprisingly pathetic, at least in comparison to bloglines. I was able to export my entire batch of feeds and import them into google, but I don't think bloglines has anything to worry about right now. Clunky and clumsy. They made the mistake of thinking it would be a good idea to just use lots of Javascript for the sake of using lots of Javascript, without really thinking about what it would add to the ease of use. Very silly.

4 hours until my shift begins. Now I must decide whether I want to go back to bed for 3 more hours, or venture outside this room, possibly outside this house. The sky does look rather inviting out the window...