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Real Milk (Food)

Wednesday, October 12, 2005 02:46

Everything you need to know about Real Milk. And getting it ain't gonna be easy for us city folk. Check out the guide to your state for details. Selling it commercially in Nebraska is illegal, but you are allowed to buy it from individual farmers if you can find them.

The Colorado regulations are pretty crazy. If I'm reading this right, if you want to get Real Milk there, you have to buy your own cow, and then arrange for the farmer to give it "boarding", with a nice long list of bureaucratic rules attached. That's messed up.

by humblik (2005-10-12 08:52)

That's quite interesting. I've actually quit drinking milk for the most part. I just lost interest in drinking it. When I lived on my great grandpa's farm, we always had fresh milk from his diary cows. I remember that milk always tasting better than the store bought.

My grandmother would always heat it to almost a boil for common consumption, but occationally we would get a glass of milk before that. It was always incredibly good.