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Rainy day

Started: Thursday, June 9, 2005 13:23

Finished: Thursday, June 9, 2005 13:42

One advantage of working the morning shift: Breakfast pizza. When I was told I could have free pizza, I didn't even realize what the slice I had picked up contained. Beneath the cheese, it contained layers of scrambled egg, sausage, and bacon. Yum. Not the healthiest thing around, but it tasted awesome.

Met two more of my new coworkers this morning, and learned a few more things about what it takes to keep a gas station running.

Now I have the afternoon off. Last night, I was thinking I'd take a nice bike ride today, but the rain is coming down hard and heavy. I guess I could go biking anyway, as rain isn't exactly lethal. I dunno.

I decided that I wanted to try getting involved in the local scene, whatever it may be, so this morning before I left for work, I consulted the Nebraska info page for Food Not Bombs, and tried sending an email to both Lincoln contact addresses. Both bounced immediately. Invalid user. (Not too surprising, since the same thing had happened the first time I tried to reach the Boulder affiliate.)

Not ready to give up, when I got home from work, I called the contact phone number. "Beedeedee. We're sorry, but this number has been disconnected or is no longer in service." Doh!

I'm going to guess that maybe at one time, Lincoln might have had a Food Not Bombs contingent, but whatever once was seems to be no longer present. So... If I really wanted to be proactive, I could attempt to start a new one here. (After all, as the CrimethInc manual counsels us, if you think the town you're in sucks, it's up to you to do something about it.) But am I that committed? Doubtful.

But let's just pretend for the moment that I was. What would I need to do? I guess this guide would be a good place to start. Yes, ambitious is the word, at least for a someone with reclusive leanings like me.

Oh well. Maybe I'll compose a song now.

Food not ...(?)
by humblik (2005-06-10 12:25)

I was walking downtown a month or two ago and noticed a phrase similar to Food not Bombs written to the side of a store front. At the time I wondered if it was a related group. I don't remember what the last word was or precisely where I saw it. I was walking to a tech. convention at the new hotel downtown. I think it was around 10th street and maybe R.

Also, as a side note, I talked with a representative from the same company you interviewed at. It sounded like they would be a good company to work for, and was tempted to ask if they had any positions open. I wasn't really in the mood for switching jobs though.

Looks like I'm posting at the begining of the epoch. Maybe that's just the preview view though.

by Bitscape (2005-06-10 12:37)

10th and R, hmmm? Maybe next time I'm downtown, I'll go take a stroll over there and see if I see anything. Could be something, could be nothing. But a seeker must always go and look.

It did seem like a nice company when I was walking through. Might be too 1337 for me though. We'll see.

Yeah, the date doesn't get assigned until after the comment has been posted. I guess I could use the current time as a placeholder. Maybe next time I tinker with the code, I'll do something with that.

Likely Place
by bouncing (2005-06-12 22:45)

Does Lincoln have an obvious park area for FNB? I recall that in San Antonio, that would have been in King William District.

by Bitscape (2005-06-14 22:46)

In the event I do get ambitious enough to try to organize such a thing, this would be a worthy question to consider. Lincoln does have a number of neighborhood parks in residential areas, but something near downtown would probably be ideal for FNB. Perhaps on the next biking mission, I'll scout for hypothetical locations that might be suitable.