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A new possibility

Started: Wednesday, June 1, 2005 21:13

Finished: Wednesday, June 1, 2005 21:55

Today, the CEO of a local Lincoln company sent word back to Yanthor's boss, which went through Yanthor, and back to me, that he might be interested in hiring someone with my skills for a short term project, with the potential to turn into a full time job.

So here I was, with the contact info for this CEO in front of me. I took more than a few deep breaths before calling. I dialed, all ready to say the lines I had thought through.

And a recorded voice mail message played. I hung up, waited an hour, and called again. Recording again. After getting the same again, I decided to just leave a message. I also sent an email, and spent the rest of the afternoon honing my online poker skills (pretend money), not wanting to be away from the phone in case it rung.

After 17:00, I decided it was highly unlikely I would get a call today. With plenty of sunlight still in the sky, I headed out for a little bike ride to burn off some energy.

We'll see what happens.

I have to admit that despite my general disillusionment with the overall state of things, the idea of doing programming work for decent money again in a company that appears to be doing interesting things does hold a certain appeal.

Meanwhile, I recently learned from my mom that the absolute last minute deadline to be out of her old apartment is Friday, June 10. She's getting her stuff moved out on the 7th. As for me?

Right now, it's looking like no matter what happens, I'll be taking trip back to Colorado this weekend. Depending on what happens tomorrow and the next day, it will either be to return and get ready to haul my stuff across town, or retrieve and transport it to Lincoln. Craziness!

(Right now, I'm strongly hoping it doesn't turn into a situation in which I find myself waiting until next week for a scheduled interview, with still no clear determination on whether there will be a job here at all. But I guess I'll figure out a way to deal with that eventuality when it comes.)

I must also consider that I foolishly didn't bring along any job interview type clothes when I packed to come. Honestly, I'm not sure what I was thinking. I guess at that point, "festing" was far more prominent on my mind that job hunting. So if they want to interview before I go back to Colorado, I'll likely buy some here in town.

So in summary, yes, things are very much up in the air, in more than one way!