Bitscape's Lair

Ever After

Rating: *** 1/2
Date Seen: 1998-08-04

Well, since I've been getting lazy with these movie log entries, I'm writing this one over two weeks after having seen it. So, let's see what I can remember about it. Well, it was very good. Am, what else? Very dramatic. Yeah. Let's see... Maybe if I think back a minute, I can give a better description.

Long, long ago, in a town in France, there lived a girl who loved her father very, very much. Then one day, he married an an evil baroness and soon died. (While the movie, shown from the point of view of 8(?)-year-old Danielle (who history comes to know as Cinderella), doesn't directly tell us how he died, we are left to suspect that he was poisoned by the nasty wife.) Of course, we all know roughly how the story will proceed. The stepmother and her two daughters live in luxury and force Danielle to work as a servant, a royal ball happens, they try to prevent her from going, etc etc etc...

The key facter which serves to differentiate this story from the similar ones we have always been told also makes the movie more believable. The hypothesis: Danielle meets and gets to know the prince long before the royal ball takes place.

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