About Bitscape


Who Am I?

By what means to we define ourselves? Do we say we "are" what we do for money? Or would we prefer to define our identities by the music we listen to, our favorite movies, political alignments, religious affiliations, hobbies, or some other arbitrary criteria? "Are" we our past actions and circumstances, or might we "be" the conception of what we envision becoming in the approaching future?

Who Are You?

In the web bio I wrote a few months ago, I described myself as a "slacker, spiritual seeker, and aspiring dropout." I then proceeded to list several activities I enjoy, identified some sources of meaning in life, and listed a few other little odds and ends. I suppose most of that is still applicable now, yet already, I find that if I were writing it again (as I am presently doing), I would emphasize slightly different things.


And for fun, a few favorites lists.


Music... eh, too many to list, but lately I've been into...

(And yes, one might easily conclude that I enjoy female vocals.)

Memorable books I've read in the recent past:


Dreams, Aspirations, Hopelessly Unrealistic Notions:

Other little tidbits:

The Past:

The rest is secrets, mysteries, or merely too mundane to mention.