Bitscape's Lair

I feel slightly drunk, but I'm not

Begin: Monday, April 26, 1999 23:41

Submitted: Tuesday, April 27, 1999 00:18

Maybe it's because I listened to my old Broken cd by Nine Inch Nails earlier (well, most of it). Haven't listened to that one in ages. Maybe it's the fact that I'm listening to Hole right now. Or maybe it's because I just had to wash some puke-smelling, week-old, dried up cheese out of the bottom of the trashcan I just emptied, and the smell still lingers. Bleah.

Java test tomorrow. I just went over the study guide. I think I'll do fine on everything except the last couple chapters, which I didn't study, and the material is a bit more non-trivial. Oh well. I don't think it'll be a big problem. Now getting that program that's due Wednesday done... I'll worry about that tomorrow.

There were a couple notable articles on Slashdot today. First, two of my favorite artists, Tori Amos and Alanis Morissette are apparently signing up to distribute music on Very cool. It feels awesome to have a couple of mainstream artists who make excellent music on "our side," so to speak. And who better than Tori and Alanis? I'm beside myself with glee.

Also, today's Jon Katz article about the wave of high school students getting their rights violated across the nation following the Littleton killings struck a nerve with a lot of people, myself included. I remember feeling pretty alienated during that time in my life (eventually getting so depressed that I dropped out). Although I guess I had it pretty good compared to some people. Some got harrassed and beat up by the "in" crowd. Mine was a life of indifference. I aligned most closely with the "drugies", freaks, and wierdos, but never considered myself one of them. Ah well. Just reading it brings back memories of those times.

Downloaded a rather cool little program that generates randomly raytraced desktop backgrounds. It's kind of cool, but I think I still prefer the human touch. I really do spend too much time web surfing.

[/me lethargically slouches down in his chair for a moment. /me sits back up. A few moments pass. /me starts humming along to the music of Courtney.] Well, I really don't have anything elso to say, and now my pseudo-drunkenness is telling me I should play some Solitaire or Quake or something.

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Source code is like Manure.  If you spread it around, things
grow.  If you horde it, it just smells bad.
		-- Zachary Kessin