Bitscape's Lair

The weekend cometh! Woohoo!

Submitted: Saturday, April 24, 1999 00:46

Well, now Friday is technically over as of 13 minutes ago. And here I sit, having messed around in Blender for the last couple hours. Before that, I read some rather intersting stuff about the cultural significance of depictions of semen in mainstream entertainment. Gotta hand it to Salon authors for coming up with unique topics, even if they are a bit off the deep end sometimes. Or maybe not. Well, the writing is entertaining anyway, especially while devouring a mountain of food from Taco Inn. :)

And now that this ritual that comes every seven days known as the weekend has arrived, I find myself thinking about what do to tomorrow (which is now technically today). Doing more stuff with Blender is likely. Maybe some perl programming, some web design, a little C coding, and perhaps, if I feel so inclined, a movie. Which reminds me, I need to get the log entry for the movie I watched last weekend finished up and published. After I finish this entry.

I'm still in limbo about where I'll be next school year. Got an email from a friend who had read last night about my possible departure from on here [if you're reading this, you know who you are <wink>]. My brain is so conflicted with what to do about the whole matter. A few weeks ago, I thought a few weeks of thinking about it might bring me closer to a decision, but here I am, as confused as ever. Somehow, I'm getting the feeling that clarity isn't going to come anytime soon, but I have to decide anyway, deadlines and all. <sigh>

Saw the new episode of Xena tonight (which, technically, I'm not supposed to do due to the religous rules around here. Blah. When ya gotta watch, ya gotta watch.) Joxer killed a warlord (by accident, of course) and, stricken with guilt, set out to find the evil dude's son to confess. There was also this wierd mental chick tagging along, who had apparently committed some crimes in the past (I've missed too many episodes lately), but was now a follower of the pacifist ways of Eli. Anyway, short of summarizing everything that happened, I'll say I'm not sure whether I like this whole thing with Gabrielle becoming totally un-warlike and all. Plus, what's with that short hairdo and those wierd tatoos? Yes, I saw the Devi episode where her hair got cut off and all. I haven't been that out of touch. Oh well, I guess the show must evolve, but still. It just seems wierd. Now I am babbling. eeeh. New topic.

Hmmm, maybe I'll actually work on getting some content put into CD Corner tomorrow. Been wanting to do that for the longest time... We'll see.

Well, I don't think I have anything else of importance to say here now, so I think I'll do the Submit thing before this totally de-evolves into total nonsense.

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Source code is like Manure.  If you spread it around, things
grow.  If you horde it, it just smells bad.
		-- Zachary Kessin