Bitscape's Lair

The Second Entry

Submitted: Monday, March 15, 1999 22:20

Alright, I'm making this entry mainly to test my traversal system.

Another thing to note about this system is that there will likely be many grammar and spelling errors in these volumes. This is because I have made no provisions whatsoever for future modification, editing, or deletion of these thoughts. About the only way anything is going to get changed is if I go in and tweak the SQL table entries manually.

I want what I write here to be temporal, to reflect only what's in my brain when it's created. Unlike most other parts of my web page, everything in this section is totally raw and unedited, even by me. That's how it's supposed to be. Preserving the moments as they are. So, my hope is that what comes out here will be dynamic at the cost of being tacky. Don't like it? Don't read it.

Alright, on with the testing!

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Source code is like Manure.  If you spread it around, things
grow.  If you horde it, it just smells bad.
		-- Zachary Kessin