Bitscape's Lair

Ever After

Rating: *** 1/2
Date Seen: 1998-11-14

What can I say? Saw this gem of a movie right after getting out of Ronin. A good night for a double header it was. The entertainment value of Ever After did not diminish with a second viewing. The lifelike and believable characters kept me hooked throughout the movie. I don't think I could go much farther without repeating what I said in the previous entry for this movie, so I think I'll experiment with going off on an largely irrelevant tangent.

This one has been bugging me for a while, so I might as well spout about it here. Two people I've spoken to in the last week have referred to Ever After as a "chick flick," implying that it is meant to appeal only to members of the female gender. I object to the very term "chick flick." Is our society still so backward, so myopic, that we stereotype all males as being incapable of appreciating a good romance? Are us men only interested in fist fights and explosions? I, for one, have a wider area of interest. I also know I am not the only one.

What is particularly disturbing about this trend is that it seems that in most cases, it is other guys who perpetrate these idiotic notions. I believe they are a vocal minority. A few guys who feel insecure about themselves and their emotions try to make the rest of us feel wierd by labelling perfectly good movies (for both males and females) as "chick flicks."

What can be done about it? Probably nothing. Those of us who are into "chick flicks," will go and see them no matter the silly labels. So this entire treatise really has no purpose; it won't change anything. Go on with whatever it is you were wasting time with before. Carry on, carry on.

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