2/7/98, 3/12/98

Madonna Memoirs: Preface

After many weeks of thoughtful deliberation, I have decided to post Madonna Memoirs, a web page I wrote two years ago, on Dagobah. Within it, the darkest of my dark thoughts were contained. When writing it, I allowed nothing, no matter how crude or personal, to be held back. I have hesitated to post it online again because of this. After all, how many of us would want the whole world to see what was going through our minds at any time, much less a time of great confusion and mental instability?

Despite this, I believe that while writing the page, my creative abilities skyrocketed. I think that while some of the content herein consists of unadulated mental excrement, there is enough quality work to make this piece, as a whole, very strong artistically.

For a while, I considered hand-picking portions I liked and reposting them. I will not do that. When creating it, I designed it to be viewed as a whole, not in pieces. Taking some parts out and posting them individually would be a violation of my original intent. I want it to be displayed as a whole or not at all.

All parts, with the exception of my email address, which has been updated, remain completely unaltered from their state when last displayed. I also may update or remove broken links if I find them. My words will remain unchanged.

Finally, any mentions of contests, polls, advertising space, or any other such offers are now 100% VOID! The page comes AS IS, for viewing only. I leave all that stuff there only to preserve the page in its original form.

Two years ago, on March 12, 1996, Madonna Memoirs went online for the first time.

Now, on March 12, 1998, it is released again for all to see.